Today i am sharing Happy Hug Day Wishes whatsapp hugs Photos HD and SMS,whatsapp message profile picture for hug day Messages on SMS KI DUNIYA – Hug day is also the international day celebrated on 12 Feb. This is the day of valentine’s week celebrated by youths all over the world. Hug day shows your endless love towards your friends, relatives or any loved ones people. The top most day Valentine’s Day is the days celebrated on 14 Feb. and also the number of days also comes with these like Rose day, Chocolate Day, Hug Day, Teddy Day and so on all valentine schedule 2016 is available here. This is one of the romantic days celebrated by youths and couples. It expresses the love, emotions. People are looking for the best messages, wishes and SMS to send your partner. You will get all the great and wonderful wishes, photos and quotes for your partner to express innocent act.
Happy Hug Day Photos – Celebrate the two days before Valentine’s Day i.e. Hug day observed on 12 Feb. There are various ways to express the love and emotions. Here hug is the type to express your feelings. People are searching the Hug Day Photos, HD wishes to share it on facebook and whatsapp friends to your partner. These collections give the idea about HD wishes and photos to send it to your loved ones. Here we have the greeting cards photos to wish your friends by sending the cards.
Somê thîng warm and cozy
Lêkêr Bahon Maî, Sara Jahan Bhulatê Ho
Happy Hug Day Photos HD Wishes
Happy Hug Day Photos – Celebrate the two days before Valentine’s Day i.e. Hug day observed on 12 Feb. There are various ways to express the love and emotions. Here hug is the type to express your feelings. People are searching the Hug Day Photos, HD wishes to share it on facebook and whatsapp friends to your partner. These collections give the idea about HD wishes and photos to send it to your loved ones. Here we have the greeting cards photos to wish your friends by sending the cards.
Happy Hug Day SMS in Hindi, English
Somê thîng warm and cozy
Just for you bêcausê
Î lovê you ..
Î am sêndîng u a hug dêar
Happy Hug Day ..!!!
A swêêt frîênd îs lîkê a pîllow
Whên you arê tîrêd you slêêp on ît
Whên you arê sad you drop têars on ît
Whên you arê angry you punch ît
Whên you arê happy you hug ît.
Wîsh You Happy Hug Day ..!!!
Sêndîng you a hug to êasê your strêss.
a kîss to makê you smîlê and my hêart to say,
Î’m thînkîng of you. î mîss you!!
Happy Hug Day to u dêar….
Happy Hug Day Messages for Girlfriend / Boyfriend
Baato Baato Maîn Dîl Lê Jaatê Ho,
Dêkhtê Ho Îss Tarah Jaan Lê Jaatê Ho,
Aahat Apnî Sê Dîl Ko Dharkatê Ho,
Lêkêr Bahon Maî, Sara Jahan Bhulatê Ho
Happy Hug Day ..!!!
Do you know
Thêrê îs onê gîft whîch can’t bê gîvên
wîthout takîng ît back
That îs why Î gîvê you hug
whîch can’t bê gîvîng wîthout takîng ît back.
Happy Hug Day ..!!!
Koî kahê îssê Jadu kî Jhappî, Koî kahê îssê pyar..
Mauka khoobsurat, Aa Galê Lagja mêrê yaar..
Happy Hug Day ..!!!
Happy Hug Day Images And Whatsapp Status
Happy Hug Day Messages – Youths are waiting for the best Hug Day Messages to share it with the friends, GF and BF. Here we have the lovely collection of messages of Hug Day for this Valentine’s Day, 2016. It is the great time to express your love and emotions by sharing the messages and greeting cards.