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Navratri Wishes Images | Navratri whatsapp SMS & Messages

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Navaratri is a Hindu festival that spans nine nights and is celebrated every year in the autumn. It is observed for different reasons and celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian cultural sphere. Theoretically, there are four seasonal Navaratri.

The legend associated with Navratri speaks about the great battle between the powerful demon Mahishasura and Goddess Durga. ... Each year, on each day of Navratri, an incarnation of “Goddess Durga” is worshipped to celebrate the day of her victory over Mahishasura, and the ultimate victory of 'Good over Evil.”

Navratri Wishes Images | Navratri whatsapp SMS & Messages

Happy Navratri Wishes

1. Whatsapp reads: This Navratri, may you be blessed with good fortune as long as Ganeshji’s trunk, wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach, happiness as sweet as his laddoos, and may your trouble be as small as his mouse. Happy Navratri!

2. Whatsapp reads: Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger let’s keep it up. Best Wishes for Navratri!!

3. Whatsapp reads:  Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger, let’s keep it up. Long live the country’s rich tradition. Best Wishes for Navratri!

4. Whatsapp reads: Fortunate is the one who has learned to admire, but not to envy. Good Wishes for a joyous Navratri and a Happy New Year with plenty of Peace and Prosperity.

1. देवी मां के कदम आपके घर में आएं,
आप खुशी से नहाएं
परेशानियां आपसे आंखें चुराए
नवरात्रि की आपको ढेरों शुभकामनाएं
।। जय माता दी ।

2. सुख, शान्ति एवं समृद्धि की
मंगलमय कामनाओं के साथ
आप एवं आप के परिवार को शारदीय नवरात्रि की हार्दिक मंगल कामनायें
मां अम्बे आपको सुख समृद्धि वैभव ख्याति प्रदान करें। जय माता दी।
नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं।

Navratri Wishes Images | Navratri whatsapp SMS & Messages

3. लाल रंग की चुनरी से सजा मां का दरबार
हर्षित हुआ मन, पुलकित हुआ संसार
नन्हें-नन्हें कदमों से मां आए आपके द्वार
इस नवरात्रि यही हैं हमारी दुआ
जय माता दी।
हैप्पी नवरात्रि 2022

4. माता रानी वरदान ना देना हमें,
बस थोड़ा सा प्यार देना हमें,
तेरे चरणों में बीते ये जीवन सारा,
एक बस यही आशीर्वाद देना हमें
आप सभी को नवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं
शुभ नवरात्रि 2022

5. चांद की चांदनी,
बसंत की बहार
फूलों की खुशबू
अपनों का प्यार
मुबारक हो आपको
नवरात्रि का त्योहार
शुभ नवरात्रि 2022

What is Navratri and why is it celebrated?
The legend associated with Navratri speaks about the great battle between the powerful demon Mahishasura and Goddess Durga. ... Each year, on each day of Navratri, an incarnation of “Goddess Durga” is worshiped to celebrate the day of her victory over Mahishasura, and the ultimate victory of 'Good over Evil.

Which God is Worshipped in Navratri?
Navratri is a nine-day festival in which nine forms of Goddess Durga are worshiped. It is one of the most significant festivals celebrated by Hindus all across India with great fervor

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